Cue the trumpets... Lichtenstyle is officially back! And I mean, back and better than ever! The main difference around here is that Lichtenstyle is no longer just a fashion blog, but it's one focused on showing you amazing fashions on a super shoestring budget (aka, a student's budget. aka, my budget). Isn't that exciting? This is something that will give me infinite ideas and inspiration to keep Lichtenstyle alive.
What else is in store, you ask? You'll just have to wait and see. For now, here's what you can find new around the site:
• All old posts have been updated! Why not try going back and rereading your favorite post?
• Prices have been added to items, check it out.
• Speaking of items, all linked pieces have updated links, which means you can totally go buy that shirt you were sad sold out now.
• New theme! I mean, isn't it awesome?! I #loveit.
• The pages have been updated, and new categories added, making it easier for you to find what you're looking for.
All in all, I'm really excited for this chapter of Lichtenstyle to begin, and I'm so happy you guys are coming along for the ride.
What do you think of Lichtenstyle's new look?
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