Booties: Old Navy (Similar-$28.13) / Bag: New York & Co. (Similar-$29.99)
As much as it looks like it, I promise that it took me more than five minutes to put this outfit together. In fact, I've actually been planning to wear this outfit for... ever, basically. Unfortunately, I never had a scarf like this or the right kind of boots. But guess what? I got them! And I finally got to wear this outfit! It makes me so, so happy.
Anyway, today was a weird day for me. Lots of stress, lots of work, lots of coffee. I eventually go through, however, and I've only got four more days of school left to go before winter break. I've just gotta hang in there. I can't do it! ...I hope.
What outfit have you been meaning to try as soon as you get all the pieces? Ciao!