fashion 101

Top: Old Navy-$21.00 / Blazer: Target (Similar-$29.99) / Leggings: Victoria's Secret-$19.50
Boots: A Gift (Similar-$18.75 sale)

Hey myself, would it kill you to smile?

I'm not really one to wear blazers - er, I mean, have blazers - because they're so much money for some reason (and I'm just broke); however, I was able to snatch this beauty on sale and with a coupon and, let me tell you, there was no second thought in my mind. Also, yes, I am definitely wearing leggings as pants and nothing you say will make me stop this madness. It's like wearing a t-shirt on your legs. There's literally nothing better. If you've never tried it, do it, and thank me later. Seriously.


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